Trip Planner
Lets Plan A Trip
Like in every trip you have to pack, budget, and plan, so the trip is not plain. When you get ready for Panama you will need a few things before you book your flight. The requirements for entering the country is a passport that has been valid for the minimum of three months. You will need spending money of either five hundred dollars in cash or an equivalent. A very important thing to have is a clean criminal record. When the trip is done, you should have a return ticket. If planned right, all you will spend for a week is about
What to bring other the credentials. I was taught growing up not to pack the luggage all the way, especially on a trip. That is because you know you will buy things. The weather averages out in the eighties and higher. Shorts, light shirts and shoes, with toiletries and other needs would be what I suggest. Pack for five days, that will allow you be able to buy some goods and have room to bring it home.
Lets look into hotels and flights. A lot of people like, so lets start there. In Panama City for a week, room for two would come to be three hundred fifty dollars at the Hotel Principe. I personally like a nice hotel, its not like I'm staying there the whole trip. Since we have the reservation, we can get a flight. Using United Airlines you can get a roundtrip for one person would cost roughly two hundred fifty-five dollars.
Now your on your way. You arrive to Panama, now you need to get around. Using Kayak, you can rent a decent car for about seventy dollars. All cars need gas. I would personally bring an extra hundred fifty for gas.
At this point, you can have a really cheap time or a really fun time. Not to kill people with money, lets combine with cheap adventures and costly. Well we can start at the cheapest and most fun place, the beach. The location that Panama is most well known for. You can start off the vacation by doing a little touring around on your own with a map just seeing what is available or near you walking distance or car ride. A few adventures I have found that look fun to do can be snorkeling, zoo's, scuba diving, nature walks. There is a Punta Culebra Nature Center, which I would like to see because it is a non-profit organization of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute that focus's primarily on tropical sciences and education, research and interpretation of tropical ecosystems.
There are also beautiful beaches to look forward to with lovely waves, great drinks and view one of them is called Playa Estrella, Bocas Del Toro. There is another zoo that is offered that gives you a tour for an hour an thirty minutes and shows animals and birds of all kinds that have been saved and brought in for a second chance for a better home and life called Safaricks zoologico. When its that time of the day you want to see down for a bite to eat you should try new options like Bocas del Toro, something new and different should always be giving a chance.
At the end of the day you could enjoy an on the water tour, Panama Canal Eco Tour. It is not a big tour just a little something to show you around the island you can go be the sounds of silence Island, have some drinks enjoy the water, and see wildlife, and includes a picnic lunch. Then other places you could enjoy to eat are pizza palaces and a delicious steak house. Which ever you prefer. Then there are historic places you can travel to including the Old Panama & Casco Antigio Tour and it takes you back to colonial time during 16th to the 17th century mainly of the Spanish in Latin America and the role played by Panama as a destination of transit and accumulation of wealth certainly of gold.
Between my interests and prices I find I will enjoy this vacation and having extra money if I need it could be used to do a little more interesting or exciting things. However I feel I have enjoyed this vacation from what I have done so far.
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